Todd River is committed to the highest standards of safety, heritage and environmental best practice and undertakes to engage all stakeholders in each step of the exploration process.
The Berkshire Valley Project comprises 270km2 of exploration licences to the north-east of Moora. It is geologically prospective for nickel, copper, platinum and gold, NOT oil and gas or uranium. No work of any description will be carried out without direct Landowner/occupier consultation and permission.

Todd River Resources are excited to be a supporter of the Moora Mavericks sporting club encompassing AFL, netball and hockey. The Mavericks’ inclusive culture and passion for their community aligns perfectly with ours, and we couldn’t agree with their vision more…

Todd River were a proud supporter of the 2020 Moora Bed Race and Street Festival. This annual event brings the Shire of Moora together to celebrate the festive season. Local businesses remain open for late night Christmas shopping and the children are thoroughly entertained. With our assistance, the Festival Committee were able to secure Freestyle Now, a BMX, scooter and skateboard show, to entertain the crowd.