

$0.000 ASX: TRT

Pingrup Nickel-Copper-PGE-REE Project

Pingrup Nickel-Copper-PGE-REE Project

Exploration Licence E70/5954 covers an area of approximately 240 sq km within the Corrigin Tectonic Zone at the south west Yilgarn Craton-Youanmi Terrane boundary around 300 kilometres south east of Perth. The bedrock geology is obscured by thin (1-10m) of sandy cover and a thick weathering profile.

Within the project area are twelve magnetic features with historical work confined to just three of them. This work was completed by Magnetic Resources who were exploring the magnetic highs for the presence of Banded Iron Formation (BIF) hosted iron ore deposits between 2008-2011. In all three cases drilling failed to identify any BIF, however it confirmed the magnetic features to be mafic-ultramafic intrusions.

A Moving-Loop TEM (MLTEM) survey was completed in March 2023 identifying seven anomalies, coincident with magnetic anomalism and interpreted mafic-ultramafic geology.

Multiphase drilling over high priority targets areas comprised aircore over a number of lines followed by  RC drilling targeting the Greenfire Prospect where the high points of a detailed gravity and magnetic feature are located.

Prospective geology was intersected across the project highlighted by several ultramafic and coarse-grained mafic intrusions with trace visible sulphides present in places. While limited significant results were returned for Ni, Cu and PGE’s further analysis of the drilling data revealed that Ce and La values were elevated to between 3 and 5 times expected values. Additional analysis identified significant wide-spread Trace Rare Earths + Yytrium Oxide (TRYEO) anomalism, with Nd+Pr% of TREYO between 17 and 34%.